• $45.49

Is an effective supplement that promotes healthy glucose metabolism including weight gain as well as excess androgens like PCOS, acne and the growth of male facial hair in women. There is a connection between loss of our waist and changing hormones. Chirositol works by pushing the sugar in the cells controlling thus the levels of glucose in the blood, storage of glucose and the action of the glucose in the cell. However, it will not cause low blood sugar levels in those with normal blood sugar levels. Chirositol also raises our happy hormone, serotonin. Reduced serotonin or deficient serotonin metabolism is associated with increased sugar cravings. By balancing serotonin and sugar in the blood, Chirositol also helps control appetite. What to Expect from This Product: Helps control weight when combined with a healthy diet Promotes healthy glucose metabolism Reduces waist For men and women Increases serotonin, our happy hormone Helps carbohydrate and fat metabolism Reduces sugar cravings.