• $24.99

Vaccination Side-effects
Alleviates the harmful effects of vaccines without impeding their action
Eliminates toxins
Reduces fear of vaccination
Boosts immunity
For use before and/or after vaccination
For all types of vaccines
Effective even years after a vaccine
Presentation: 50 ml (1.7 fl oz)

Ingredients: Echinacea 10x, Gelsemium sempervirens 10x, Ledum palustre 10x, Silicea 10x, Thuya occidentalis 10x, 14x, 18x, 20% vol Alcohol, Water.
Dosage: Children: (0 to 2 years old): Take 1 spray under the tongue 3 times a day, starting if possible 3 days before the vaccination and for 21 days after.
Adults and children (2 years and over): Take 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day, starting if possible 3 days before the vaccination and for 21 days after.